原创Celebrating Our Founding Year 眼有星辰大海,心有繁华似锦

Michael Urquhart


Head of ISA Liwan International School

Co-head of ISA Wenhua Liwan School



Dear ISA Liwan Parents, Students and Community Members,

It"s hard to believe that we have almost reached the end of our Founding Year at ISA Liwan. I would like to congratulate all our students, teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication throughout the academic year. To our parents – thank you for your trust and support.

There have been many highlights throughout the academic year but one that will stay with me is the resilience shown by our Teachers and Students during the online learning of First Semester due to the COVID outbreak. Our teachers continued to teach and made great connections with their students that were reinforced once we returned to the school. Another aspect is the ‘community feel’ of ISA Liwan best seen through the lens of the Arts and Sports Festival and signature events like the Chinese New Year. Also working with the ISA Academy to invite students with autism to visit and interact with our students, reflecting a great community feel.

As a leader it is important to build connections with our students. How did I do that this year? I may have dressed as the ‘Blue Rabbit’ for the ISA Festival but I built connections throughout involvement. Being the supervisor of the Grade 6/7 MYP Community Project – Operation Koi! And also returning to the classroom to teach my passion – History! In reality Grade 9/10 IGCSE History focusing on Twentieth Century Russia and Germany.

I would like to also celebrate the achievements and dedication of our teachers, many who started at ISA Liwan have not been home to their home country for many years due to the pandemic. Yet here they were giving a high effort level as professionals upholding the ISA Liwan Motto – Be the Change Make a Difference!

To all our community members traveling over the summer – stay safe, relax and enjoy time with family. I will look forward to seeing everyone returning with renewed spirit and energy in August 2023!

Kind Regards & Take Care

ISALW 爱莎荔湾




作为学校领导,我明白与学生建立连结十分重要。今年我与学生有什么互动呢?我在爱莎日上装扮成一只“蓝兔子 ”,与学生们在互动过程中建立友谊;我成为了6-7年级初中社区项目“锦鲤行动”的导师;此外,我重返课堂,教授我最爱的科目——历史!目前9-10年级的IG历史课程重点聚焦在二十世纪的俄罗斯和德国。


